who we are
Our birth experience
It is the morning of October 22nd, 2016. A gray autumn day and the clouds hang low over Hamburg.
We leave our apartment with our things packed and know that when we return our life will no longer be what it used to be. At the same time, we don't know what to expect at this point.
After a strenuous 9 months of pregnancy, we should finally be able to hug our miracle. Due to severe gestational diabetes, it was clear relatively early on that the birth would be induced on the due date.
In the hospital
After our arrival at the Hamburg Alsklepios Clinic in Altona and a trusting preliminary conversation with the midwife, we finally lie at the monitoring CTG between hope, fear and waiting. Two hours, four hours, six hours fly by. The first contractions begin... and subside again towards the evening.
It's 10 p.m. We are preparing for the night, but unfortunately we won't be able to spend it together because we can't get a family room. It's not easy for us to say goodbye until the next morning. But what we don't know at this point: we will see each other again in an hour.
At 11 p.m. everything suddenly happens very quickly. Violent contractions, rupture of membranes, delivery room. We are already together again. Hope, fear and wait. But this time with severe pain. The hours drag on like chewing gum. 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 5 o'clock. At 6 a.m. finally the relieving news: “In 2 hours at the latest you will be holding your son in your arms”.
Different than expected
Despite great optimism and unexpected energy, everything is progressing very slowly. And suddenly a word comes out that no one wants to hear in this situation: “ No birth! “Immediately there are countless thoughts in our head. We really wanted a natural birth and now things are supposed to be completely different?!
In order to make all the preparations for the operation, our doctor, a blonde angel, comes to us in the delivery room. Yes, she really is an angel on earth because she decides: You can do it! We will have your son the natural way!
And she was right: On the morning of October 23rd, when the sun pushed through the clouds and autumn showed itself at its most beautiful , our son saw the light of day at 11:15 a.m. The sun conjures up a magical glow in the room that we will remember forever.
Our journey through time and the birth of the birth poster
We experience this journey through time in all its facets every time we look at our birth poster. We designed it just for ourselves for our son's first birthday because we really wanted to preserve this happy moment. All the emotions and experiences come back to life when we watch it.
More and more friends and neighbors who visited us talked to us about it because they thought it was great: "What's that great?" we often heard. Because of this, at the end of 2017 we decided to give other parents the opportunity to remember their very personal magical moment of the first meeting with this unique birth memory on a 1:1 scale.
We are happy every day when we receive messages from enthusiastic parents who are simply incredibly happy about this emotional memory.
Maybe we can give you wonderful joy with this too - or have we already? :-)
best wishes from Hamburg
Tanja and Kai with Mucki