Working mother - 10 tips for more time for yourself
Posted by Tanja Lier on
Most of you probably know it - balancing family, friends, job and household as a working mother is a small masterpiece. In some weeks, working mothers' days would ideally have to be 48 hours long in order to complete all the work that needs to be done.
Even though it is of course important that family and friends are not neglected, that you give your all at work and that the household is not necessarily topsy-turvy, it is at least as important to give yourself a break every now and then.
How it works? Well, every mother certainly has her own way, but perhaps these 10 tips will give you a little peace of mind in one situation or another:
- Little helpers, big impact
I was very skeptical at first, but after having a robot vacuum cleaner in our household for almost 2 years now, I can say: don't hesitate! Before setting off for daycare and the office, I turn on the little helper and come home in the evening to a freshly vacuumed home - priceless.
- household in no time
You don't always have to use 10 different cleaning products to get your household in shape in no time. A universal cleaner based on organic spirits is the best example. All surfaces are cleaned quickly and easily thanks to organic spirit made from straw and you save a lot of time.
- "Say no
Baking cake for the kindergarten party? “Sorry, I can’t make it this year.” Saying “no” every now and then is an art, but those who master it create a lot of freedom and relieve themselves of a lot of stress.
- Just let the household be a household
Sure, each of us likes it clean and tidy, but on some days you just have to let things go, enjoy the beautiful weather with your little ones and recharge your batteries for the next exciting mommy tasks.
- Job & family
No matter where you work, it helps to clearly communicate that a meeting at 7 p.m. is unfortunately not possible because the bedtime story is read to the child at that time. As a rule, no one takes offense at that and the meeting can just as easily take place at 4 p.m. Priorities and clear communication can take a lot of the stress out of everyday life as a working mom, try it out!
- Use services
A weekly shop with a small child can easily take 2 hours. If the week is already endlessly packed, the local supermarket's delivery service might be an option. Place your order online during your lunch break in the office on Mondays and crates of drinks and groceries arrive at your door on Fridays. No lugging around and 2 hours more time for you and your children.
- Turn off perfectionism
It doesn't help to want to be perfect in every detail and do everything yourself. Then the birthday present for the child's birthday party is wrapped in the store and not with love by yourself. The birthday child doesn't give a damn and I save myself the stress of having to get paper and ribbon.
- Consciously plan “me time”.
Take your time! Insists on it. For example, every Saturday two hours could be just yours. Go to the hairdresser, lie in bed and read, or go for a stroll outside - however you use your time. A short energy booster with a big effect. During this time, the children are at home with their dad or grandma and grandpa are out and about. They're happy to babysit.
- Smartphone off
No emails, no What's App messages, no Facebook or Instagram that just needs to be checked quickly. Simply turning off your smartphone and consciously enjoying the sun while your little ones dig in the garden... that's true quality time, because living in the moment is often neglected as a working mother.
- Happy mom, happy family
Not forgetting your own needs is not always easy between job and family, but it is almost the most important thing. Because a satisfied, happy mother also makes the family happy and is the best basis for a great family life.
You see, sometimes it's the little things that can make everyday life easier (especially as a working mother). Having time for yourself or taking short breaks every now and then can replenish your energy reserves in no time, allowing you to face everyday family life in a relaxed and calm manner.