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Personalized christening gifts: capture memories

Posted by Kai-Gunnar Hering on
Personalisierte Taufgeschenke: Erinnerungen festhalten

A very special moment, an experience that cannot be put into words: the birth of a child. Hardly any event shapes us as much as the moment when you hold the tiny creature in your hands for the first time. A special moment that unfortunately fades far too quickly. Which we experience more in a state of intoxication than we can perceive it intensively. With a birth poster you can capture this moment for eternity - whether as a personalized christening gift to give as a gift or as a gift to yourself. In the following article we would like to introduce you to some other gift ideas.

Special gift ideas for baptisms

The birth of a child is always a special occasion that should be celebrated and the question always arises: What should we give?! Because gifts for a birth, in addition to those given for a wedding, can also be creative and elaborate. Classics are probably children's cutlery with an engraved name or arm or neck jewelry with an engraved name. Personalized gift ideas are just the thing for such an occasion. Although fewer babies are baptized today than 25 years ago, the occasion is no less important for those who are baptized or are baptized.

Personalized baptism gifts made by yourself

If neither one idea nor the other was creative enough for you, you can be inspired by this. Because godparents in particular like to get involved with home-made things. The repertoire of ideas ranges from personal dedications from those present to a photo album from the big day to a creative family tree. For the latter, you can, for example, buy a canvas, paint a tall tree on it and then have family members put their thumbprints on it. The thumbprints replace the leaves on the tree. If you take a slightly larger canvas, you can also find space for personal dedications. Some godparents or relatives think a little further and give something that will only be needed years later, when the baby has grown into a toddler. This can be anything from a bicycle to a personalized sandbox. For example, the idea of ​​building a carousel for the garden is a bit more crazy. Certainly not every child has that on the lawn. There are plenty of building instructions and ideas for this.

Gifts with a religious background

Bigger, higher, better, more expensive. Gifts these days often tend to go beyond the scope. Everyone wants to give something special and unique. But especially on an occasion like a baptism, which has a religious background, this should not be the focus. If you want to go “back to the roots” when choosing a gift, you will find a few suggestions here:

A classic among church gifts is the so-called baptism ring. Either the name of the person being baptized, the date of the baptism or the baptismal motto are engraved in this. Since a baby cannot wear a ring, it is symbolically hung on a chain. It's especially nice when the ring fits the little ones when they go to school and get involved with jewelry for the first time. Great if the ring is worn on ceremonial occasions. A classic religious gift is also a children's Bible. It is often decorated with colorful pictures and the story of the Bible is summarized in a few simple words.

Moments for eternity

He was just so tiny and now he's crawling. The first few years in particular fly by with a baby and you often forget how small they once were. You lose sight of it. And when you find old photos, you get the obligatory exclamations like: “Oh, look how small you were back then,” “Oh God, time flies. When did our children get so big?” But how often do you still have photos on your wall that you look at every day? Rarely. Because in most apartments and houses today there are stylish drawings or sayings hanging on the walls. A lot of it in black and white. Photos are no longer quite up to date.

Things look different with a birth poster . Drawn in black and white, it manages the balancing act between personal and stylish. The posters are available in different styles that you can put together individually. You can't just make yourself happy with this, because it's also nice for the children to see what they looked like as a baby many years ago.

The offspring is shown here on a 1:1 scale. A personalized gift that couldn't be more unique. This is not only suitable as a christening gift, because all new parents are happy about it. A great gift is also the birth poster combined with a perfectly matching souvenir world - a poster collage that also includes, for example, the zodiac sign , the place of birth or the original footprint .

Baptism gifts, vouchers and much more.

If you are still not sure what to give the new parents or the person being baptized, you can also buy vouchers and then give them away accordingly. Parents can then decide for themselves later what they would like to buy.

Not necessarily suitable for baptisms but also a nice idea are gifts for grandparents or godparents. Because they are often no less proud and happy than the parents themselves and are certainly happy to decorate their walls with great birth memories of the baby. Or the baby's godparents. A baptismal gift also includes godparents and since they often have a special connection to their godchildren, they will certainly be happy to receive a few mementos. For example, the memory collage mentioned above can be divided. For example, the parents receive the birth poster, the grandparents receive the footprint and the godparents then receive the birthplace poster.

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