Over 6000 happy parents
Posted by Kai-Gunnar Hering on
A very personal birth memory that brings back the moment of the first encounter is priceless. After all, it is one of the most emotional and profound events in the life of every family.
Every day we receive messages from overjoyed parents, especially via our Instagram page , on which we are very active alongside Facebook , who tell us about their experience when they unpacked their personal birth poster for the first time.
We have compiled some of these messages and customer reviews in our shop here. Especially when it comes to our very special memory of Star Children - one of the incredibly beautiful Star Child poster motifs - the news is really very emotional and touches us very much.
It is this feedback, this love and gratitude that not only makes us humble and grateful, but also drives us every day to constantly improve our products or create new posters that suit every situation in life. Lastly, we used our individual additional posters , which form a perfect poster collage with the birth poster.
We always communicate a lot with our loyal community on Instagram and Facebook and develop the best motif ideas together with them.
Here are some excerpts from the reviews and news that reach us every day:
- "Thank you so much. It's so beautiful. My tears flow with joy and sadness..."
- "My poster just arrived. I have tears in my eyes. It's beautiful. Now I have a great memory of my starlet."
- "My husband and I were sitting in the car when we opened the box and both had tears in our eyes. Thank you again"
- "When the special edition was presented on Instagram, I immediately fell in love😍. And a few days later I ordered it too. I was so excited. Then it arrived and I unpacked it, I immediately cried. It is just so beautiful❤"
A particularly moving comment reached us in August shortly after our #starchild campaign, where we gave away 100 starchild posters to star parents:
- "Hello. Today the star poster came for my mom and I have to say it is so beautiful. My mom was really happy and it was another little reminder of her baby. When I saw it for the first time I had to cry so much - with joy and sadness - but probably also because I just lost my baby on Tuesday. I will definitely be ordering one for myself soon. All I can say over and over again is - thank you."
This feedback motivates us so incredibly every day. We never expected that we would reach and move so many people with our memorial posters. We are very grateful that we can bring incredible joy to others in this way and are excited to see what the future holds.